Chapter Seven is Up!

I don’t know what I was thinking — apparently not thinking things through at all — in the last chapter when I stated the price for the electroregen treatment. I’ve realigned it with the 22nd century currency standards. I’ve also reworked the timeline a bit — too much is happening for it to all fit in between early December and Christmas, so I’ve backed the beginning of the story up by a couple of weeks. I may add a snippet about the steak dinner they shared falling on Thanksgiving Day of old (no longer celebrated in the 22nd century).

So, sorry about that. One of the hazards of reading chapter-by-chapter as I write is that things might shift around on you as the story develops. If this bothers you a lot, you can always just wait for me to publish the final version. 🙂 Or, better yet, let me know of any discrepancies you find.

I’d love to hear what you think of the story so far.

Freebies Gone, More Soon — Collect Your Prize

Giveaway on Clare London’s site is over. Winners were Trish Sitotombe and ext_2022866. Congrats! I found and messaged Trish on Facebook, but ext_2022866 has yet to collect her/his prize. Please email me at and let me know what format you want.

I guess I’ll need to request people post their email addresses for prizes up front. My bad. I’m still learning this whole marketing bit.

I’ll be giving away lots more free copies of The Valjevo Encounter between now and the end of the year, so keep an eye on my blog to find out when and where.